Friday, May 20, 2011

New bling :)

Who doesn't love jewelry right?? Its the best, and you can never have enough!! And I love how it doesn't even have to be expensive to be cute. Most of the stuff I own I get at forever21 (best store ever!!!!).. Here are a few things I got recently. The two rings I got at F21 as I like to call it. A cute and simple little heart ring and then a big sparkly one..I <3 it! I'm one for things that sparkle, so anything that is bedazzled with glitter, sparkles or sequins I adore! And I got some bracelets at Target today as welll :) they're all colorful, which I absolutely adore <3
Here is the heart one, I adore its simplicity <3 

And here is the sparkly one!!! I told you guys my curtains give my room a super pretty red lighting :)
 Here is a much better picture of the two together with better lighting, no redness in this one.
Here's all three bracelets. the furthest to the left is rainbow :) <3 it!! and the one in the middle has all sorts of colors and little patterns :) too bad it fits a little bit big :/ but I'll find a way to fix it!! And then the one on the right hand side is yellow, red and pinkish. And I like how it has little beads on the other side where the clasp is at..So remember, you don't have to go all out and spend tons of money on jewelry for it to be cute. (I never do!) I'm not hating on expensive stuff though, don't get me wrong, its just not for me, brand names and all that have never been my thing at all. Pretty much most of my closet is all forever21, thats been my store ever since like middle school. But hey to each his own, you can shop wherever you like :)

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